Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Terrorists Attack

Terrorists Attack:
I think the government should release the pictures of the terrorists attack in Itamar.
We should let the world see what these terrorists did to the fogel's family.
The only way We can convince the international community to act is brutally horror highlight photographic publication "to a bestiality are Israeli citizens."

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FaceBook cons' and pro'

I have had Facebook account since 2009 .
I opened Facebook two years ago, and I still use it for my different needs .
I use Facebook to talk with friends playing the social network of the site, and for meeting new people.
1. I use Facebook almost two hours a day, and I came up every day to see updates.
I feel that Facebook is already part of my life and is something different centers offering openness on Facebook, as well as new and meet new people online is pretty fun despite the risks that FaceBook offering .
  • I like when you can meet new people online from different locations in and around the world, Facebook can also improve your language skills in English that you speak with people in the world in different languages and in English.
  • I Dislike when people are cursing u when u use FaceBook, and comment on your profile Bad comments , And when people Impostors to other people ,That isn't nice at all .

  • I think this case(the 16 year-old boy who committed suicide), is shocking because children were convinced 16-year old boy to kill himself because of his appearance because of his behavior in society, this case should have ended before it began.
  • I think the friends of the boy is blame for this case , because they gave him reason to kill himself .if it by that is short or look different then others . They were to rude to him , and they are to source for his suicide .
  • I think we should prevent tragic events , We should Monitor the behavior of our children and teach them to behave in an appropriate manners .

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What tasks will help me improve my writing in English?

There are a few ways that may help my writing in english :
1. I Would like to read more about news in english , and read more Local newspaper in english .we can understand more local word from the newspaper and may use them and express them in our writing .
2. I Would like to see more movies in english , and then translate them into hebrew , or may write down some opinions on blogs about the movie .And the students should respond to other studens blogs in order to improve thier writing .
That's is my opinions for improving the writing.Yehudai omer .

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Deportation of children of foreign workers

Netanyahu defers expulsion of children of migrant workers

Three-month delay comes after widespread criticism of state efforts to expel foreign workers.

By Haaretz Service and Dana Weiler-PolakTags: migrant workers Shimon Peres Eli Yishai Israel news

The government has decided to delay the deportation of migrant workers and their children for the next three months, according to a statement released by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's bureau on Thursday.

At the same time, the government will continue efforts to deport illegal foreign workers, and to assist those who decide to leave under their own volition.

Netanyahu had come under broad public criticism for the expansion of efforts to expel illegal migrant workers.

Earlier Thursday, President Shimon Peres wrote a letter to Interior Minister Eli Yishai, urging him not to expel the children of migrant workers.

"Who, if not a people who suffered embitterment in the lands of exile, should be sensitive to their fellow man living amongst them?" Peres wrote, adding that Israel could not remain indifferent to the children's fate.

The president's comments came as the Oz unit of the National Immigration Authority was planning to expel next week about 300,000 illegal immigrant workers from Israel, including those born here - parents and offspring alike.

In the letter, Peres added that he had recently visited the Bialik-Rogozin School in south Tel Aviv, where many children of foreign workers are educated.

"I felt they had an appreciation for Israel, where they were born," he said. "I heard Hebrew ring naturally from their mouths. I felt their connection and their love for Israel and their desire to live in it, to serve in its army and to help to strengthen it."

Also Thursday, Yishai canceled a plan to prohibit refugees from spending time in and working in central Israel.

Yishai cancels 'Hadera-Gadera' procedureInterior Minister Eli Yishai on Thursday ordered the cancellation of an initiative to prohibit refugees from staying in and working in central Israel.

Yishai's reversal of the 'Hadera-Gadera' plan followed a public outcry against the procedure, which would have prohibited the workers and their families from staying in the area between Hadera, north of Tel Aviv and Gadera, south of Tel Aviv.

Yishai is demanding that the security cabinet hold an urgent discussion on the matter of refugees, in order to examine alternative ways to reduce the number of refugees, while also making their treatment in Israel more humane.

Yishai explained his decision to reverse the plan after seeing the social and economic problems that arose in Israel's outlying cities under the original policy.

President Shimon Peres.

Photo by: AP

Writing About The Issue

Why do we need to deport the children of foreign workers?

According to the article, Israel government has decided to delay the deportation of migrant workers and their children for the next three months.

President Shimon Peres wrote a letter to Interior Minister Eli Yishai, urging him not to expel the children of migrant workers. Here a quote of what Shimon Peres said: "Who, if not a people who suffered embitterment in the lands of exile, should be sensitive to their fellow man living amongst them?" Peres wrote, adding that Israel could not remain indifferent to the children's fate.

One side of the issue:

Here some Arguments for the deportation of children of foreign workers:

1. State of Israel is a Jewish state, do we really want to encourage assimilation of the Jewish people within Israel? Consider the demographic problem will be here in 20 years. Already there is a problem with them immigrants and immigrants who are not Jewish.

2. Sometimes children are born to illegal immigrants.
Did the arrival here legitimately legitimate the citizenship of their children? OK it will give very encouraging more immigrants to come to Israel and so not that hard to infiltrate into Israel.

3. Actually this issue, we create more gaps in Israeli society.
Just like in the United States, even these children we will be second-class citizens as adults will receive lower priority against Israeli "Sabra."

4. Some of the children the parents will be deported anyway even if their children will have the stay.
In many cases, children are given over to welfare authorities. Does it have to confirm growth of the children of Israel? There are also state that they deteriorate into crime.

5. True that no one likes to use the word "deportation" and moreover, can not do cynical use of children such issues.
Have a look at the matter in the long term.

6. Data is not accurate.
In some countries take in those illegal immigrants on their children.

The other side of the issue:

Here some Arguments against the deportation of children of foreign worker:

1. Foreign workers were taking the place of Palestinian workers, so there is no claim that these take up the jobs Israelis.

2. All modern economy needs about ten percent of the migrant workforce (250 000). These workers work in the three CO s: difficult, dirty and dangerous.

3. State is the one that brought them here in the first place and therefore the state to take responsibility and understand that over time there will be those who wish to settle in and bring children. There was no consistent policy of the state organized reference purposes. Contemporary identity as Israelis is the determining factor.

4. What did the children, had never been outside of Israel, grew up and learned Hebrew in the land as Israelis for anything and has no connection to the State of origin of their parents.

5. We must not forget how other countries were Jews. Do we really want to do this? Israel is a state of immigrants from its inception.

6. These kids have nothing to do with countries find their parents. Moreover, some of these countries are likely the most difficult lifestyle that will give them a chance to lead normal lives if at all.


In conclusion we don't need to deport the children of foreign workers because they belong to our people and they were born in the country and they love Israel, so why should deport them.
In addition, children of foreign workers should stay in the country because they have the right to stay in the country and that they want to stay.
In conclusion it can be said not to have to expel the children of foreign workers because they are part of the people of Israel and they always will be part funded and should not be deported and sub them feel they do not belong to us.

Monday, May 31, 2010



Who are the Druze ?

The Druze are a religious community found primarily in Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan, whose traditional religion is said to have begun as an offshoot of Islam, but is unique in its incorporation of Gnosticism,Neoplatonism and other philosophies, similar to other followers of Ismaili Shi'a Islam .

The Location of the Druze :

The Druze people reside primarily in Syria, Lebanon, and Israel .

The Israeli Druze are mostly in Galilee(81%) and around Haifa (19%) .

The Jordanian Druze can be found in Amman and Zarka; about 50% live in the town of Azraq, and a smaller number in Irbid and Aqaba.

In The Golan mountains set in the north Israel , is home of about 20,000 Druze .

What are the holiday of the Druze ?

Here we can see a list of the Druzim holidays :

Christmas Nabi Sabalan 10 / 9 Hurfeish.
Memorial Day ascribe Amin Tarif 2 / 10 Gols.

Nabi Isfiya father Abdullah 15/11

Christmas Aladha 10th victim to the celebration - the date varies with the white.

Christmas Nabi Alahdre 25 / 1 Village Yassif.

Nabi Shiaeve Christmas Jethro 25 / 4 Hittin.

Christmas Alasat Soae 30 / 5 Ein Kenya Heights.

Nabi Alahdre 25 / 6 Abak'aitah Heights.

Memorial day - visiting Sheikh on Alfaers 4 / 7 Gols.

Ziyarat Abu Ibrahim - 10 / 7 Daliyat Carmel.

Nabi Baha Aladdin - 25 / 7 Beit Jann.

Nabi Alipuri - 25 / 8 of the Golan Heights.

What is the tradition of the Druze ?

On - the Druze tradition caliph al - Hakim was the incarnation of the divine spirit. He disappeared in 1021, and continued to spread the gospel and the faith that God's revelation, were Hamzah ibn Ali and Mohammed al - Drezi. The two fell out and - Drezi accused of negative acts and thus the nickname "Druze" is actually a negative to me Druze, and they prefer to call themselves as "people Ma'ruf" means of grace.

How Does the Druze marry ?

Druze Wedding Customs:
A week before the wedding the bride with the groom driving his parents to buy all the ingredients ("Alksuah"). Wedding week to buy if the groom and family friends girls special clothing called "poor" practice called "H. swallowed."

Druze wedding two parts: the Druze religious wedding feast in which editors and central to all the guests and family and all participants at the "Do not - report it" - bringing the bride from her parents to the parents of the groom.
Second wedding with Druze Druze folk singing and dancing "devotion." These two stages are held during the seven days of the wedding. The Druze wedding often takes place in the hall, but you do at the traditional ceremony. The bride wore a white dress on the wedding day is a new practice, but always dress for both sexes should be complete and modest. Any recipient of two Shusbinym two bridesmaids and a bride.

Course of seven days of the Druze Wedding:
Sunday - Preparation of the basic ingredients of dishes for a wedding Druze.
Day B - "Whisper - to - Koren," completion of the dowry bride - knitting, lace, sewing, etc..

Tuesday - "Kiss - do - Kelada" Preparation of the bride by a chain of nail her friends.
Wednesday - baking a wedding day.
Thursday - the night of henna and Atalilo "- the groom's henna party.
Friday - Night of The "leveling" - the bride's party, the 'c' island '- a major ceremony the bride.
Saturday - the day the groom - a ceremony of The "here". The groom is placed circle, surrounded by friends and family the same number of village school. The participants sing a special song and groom dinner is held central to marry exists "Toupet" of the groom who rides a horse circling the village. Everyone gathered at the end of the ceremony today Blood H. her. "
Blood Ceremony and H. had "come to develop a bride groom's parents, paste or above the door at the entrance to the dough mixed with flowers and money, then comes the groom and makes it an act of pasting the dough, remove from the face of the bride and the handkerchief (" Mandil ") and congratulates her welcome at next.

Pictures Of The Druze :

Dear Omer !

It was very interesting to read about the ceremonies. But some sentences were very unclear due to wrong choice of words. You might have misused the dictionary... or used google translator ?? Also, when describing customs you should use the present simple tense and not the past !

Try to find pictures fo Druze wedding and re-edit your writing. Change the layout of your blog Do not use black background !! 75